Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Also earlier this month I took Nick to the pumpkin patch along with Shelley and 2 of the kids from daycare. They had a ball!! I have to say the slide was probably the biggest hit- but Nick saw lots of tractors that he refers to as "papa's tractors" which were pretty cool too! Grandma watched Emily so we could have some mom and Nicker time.

Future Firefighter

Earlier this month we took a trip to the fire station. My friends husband works there and this is of one Nick's infatuations right now. This is the second time we went and he just thinks it's pretty cool. This time he climbed up on top of them and was a little more in to it. Here are a few pictures!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Emily Kathleen

Little miss Emily is 7 weeks old today! My how those weeks fly! She is doing great! I weighed her on Monday and she is at 10 lbs 9 oz. Growing just fine!! She doesn't have the whole sleeping thing down yet- consistently does the grunting thing from 3am-6am every morning. I assume it is reflux so we started her on zantac this week. We will see if this helps in the next couple weeks!! Otherwise she is just a little angel. Her brother seems to really like her and is protective of her as well. Here are some recent pictures of her.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's finally here!!

Welcome to my blog!!  Sorry it's been taking me awhile to get into this- but I am not as computer savvy as some!!  I will start by telling you that little Nicholas turns 3 today!! We had his party on Sunday and he had a great time!  He played with his new toys all day yesterday which made it nice for mom! We also had his 3yr check up and he is doing fine.  He is almost 30 lbs still small- but he is on the charts now!! He is quite the little talker when he warms up- takes after his dad. We are still struggling with potty training- but I am not pushing him too hard. He is now in a big boy bed which was one great accomplishment!! He always liked his crib! One thing at a time around here! Here are some pictures from his birthday party. Enjoy!